CTPAT Navigator

A Trusted Guide & Partner In CTPAT Management

CTPAT Navigator is the single source guide for all CTPAT entity types.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to meeting CTPAT requirements and maintaining the evolving security protocols. CTPAT Navigator offers scalable services to keep your company compliant throughout the year.



Let Us Handle Your CTPAT Needs


Prepare for Your Next CBP Evaluation


Conduct Internal and Business Partner Audits


Simplify First-Time Certification

Risk Assessment PRO

Leverage ACE data for decision-making

Want to find out if your company meets first-time applicant requirements?
Take our CTPAT eligibility survey.

Our team of former CBP CTPAT SCSS’s and Directors help you successfully navigate CBP’s Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism program.

Using insight from over 50 years of combined CBP operational and policy knowledge, we leverage our first-hand CTPAT supply chain security experience and connections to current CBP leadership, so you can save time, save money and get the most out of your CTPAT membership.

Ronald May

Shawn Beddows

Bradd Skinner

Whether you’re considering CTPAT for the first time or established veterans of the voluntary trade program, you’re aware that your operation runs on two things:
security and efficiency.

You also know that trusted trader programs are key to establishing a transparent supply chain and building your brand’s reputation in your industry.

CTPAT membership raises the profile of your brand, from your workforce to your customers, but let’s be honest – it can be a drain on resources and distract your team from their core functions. That is why we’re dedicating our decades of experience in CTPAT and CBP operations to relieve the burden on CTPAT member companies, dedicated to optimizing their supply chains. Our team of experts are former CTPAT Supply Chain Security Specialists, former Acting Directors of the program and have performed hundreds of domestic and foreign validations around the globe for every entity type.

We’ve mastered the ins and outs of the CTPAT program. Let us guide you on your CTPAT journey while you focus on your day-to-day priorities.

CTS Academy

Streamlined CTPAT training for your entire workforce

Get in touch with our CTPAT experts

Ronald May is a supply chain security and customs operations expert with over 31 years of experience serving U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the legacy U.S. Customs Service.

Shawn Beddows is CT Strategies’ Vice President of Global Services. Mr. Beddows has over 21 years of experience serving U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the legacy Customs Service.

Bradd Skinner is a Homeland Security professional who is an accomplished leader with 35 years of domestic and international experience.

Check out our latest CTPAT Insights

Unlocking the Power of COAC

Discover why COAC matters for CTPAT members. COAC advises on customs operations, streamlining processes and shaping policies crucial for supply chain security. Stay informed to navigate regulatory changes and optimize operations.

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Developing a Strong CTPAT Training Program 

Enhance your company’s supply chain security with the US Customs-Trade Partnership Against Terrorism (CTPAT) program. Explore the key pillars of CTPAT’s Education & Training, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of supply chain security risks. Develop specialized training based on employees’ roles, document training records, establish measurable objectives, and incorporate continuous education. Elevate your workforce’s awareness and adherence to security protocols. Explore our Training resources at CT Strategies for live workshops, webinars, and online courses through CTS Academy.

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